K-Sketch Version 1.0 FAQ

Why can't K-Sketch load my old files?
Error message “this document doesn't appear to be a valid K-Sketch file” or similar.
Our goal is for K-Sketch to be fully backward compatible. Sometimes we slip and miss some connections, and we jam to fix them as quick as we can. If you can't load an old file, first make sure you're using the latest version of K-Sketch (check the download link above). If so, and you're still having trouble, please tell us about the bug. We'll work on it ASAP.

K-Sketch users group

Also note, K-Sketch is not forward compatible. So if you're running an older version and trying to load a file created with a newer version, you should first upgrade to the latest version of K-Sketch.

Why does the play button quit working?
We know of this issue: Because K-Sketch (as of ALPHA 2) relies on a clock in Piccolo that can tick at most 24 days straight, K-Sketch will not work if it is running on a computer that has been up for 24 days or longer. Yes, this is ridiculous. We're sorry. Please reboot and try again.